序列 |
歌曲标题 |
时长 |
歌手 |
1. | 开场: 圆明园的瑰丽与毁灭 Opening: the Beauty and Destruction of the Summer Palace | 01:24 | 阿鲲 |
2. | MP集团的阴谋, 性感亮相的Bonnie MP Corp's Conspiracy “Theme of Bonnie” | 00:50 | 阿鲲 |
3. | 极速滑轮衣I: JC出场 Body Blading I: the Presence of Jc | 02:21 | 阿鲲 |
4. | 极速滑轮衣II: 命悬一线, 军卡与摩托 Body Blading II: Jc On Cliff, Army Trucks & Motorcycles | 01:25 | 阿鲲 |
5. | 极速滑轮衣III: 直升机接应&十二生肖片名 Body Blading III: Arriving of the Helicopter & CZ12 Title | 01:30 | 阿鲲 |
6. | 来到巴黎 JC Team Arrived in Paris (Song) | 01:48 | 阿鲲 |
7. | 飞檐走壁, 逃出古堡 Escaping from the French Castle | 01:54 | 阿鲲 |
8. | 古堡花园I: 迷宫与狗 French Garden I: Labyrinth & Dogs | 01:45 | 阿鲲 |
9. | 古堡花园II: 法国狗会听中文&飞出花园 French Garden II: French Dogs Understand Chinese & Flying from Garden | 00:53 | 阿鲲 |
10. | 一个开车的女人拽住一个飞滑翔伞的男人, 结果就是撞巴士 A Girl in Car Catches a Man of Paragliding and the Result Is Hitting a Bus | 01:17 | 阿鲲 |
11. | JC飞滑翔伞降入天窗 JC Flies Into the Car | 00:45 | 阿鲲 |
12. | 不可阻挡 (调换铜首至海岛蒙太奇歌曲) Unstoppable (the Montage Song of Switching the Bronze Head) | 02:27 | 阿鲲 |
13. | 摩托艇, 向海岛出发 To the Island | 00:34 | 阿鲲 |
14. | 海滩夜晚“千万不要开着灯换衣服!” Beach Night: Never Change Clothes With Lights On | 00:34 | 阿鲲 |
15. | 蜥蜴与海岛探险 The Lizard and the Search On the Island | 01:18 | 阿鲲 |
16. | 发现“不灭号” The Discovery of the “Indestructible” | 01:09 | 阿鲲 |
17. | 伯爵的忏悔, 3张邮票被毁 Confession of the Count, 3 Stamps Are Destroyed | 01:30 | 阿鲲 |
18. | Coco说出真相, 与JC争吵 Coco Has Found the Truth | 01:55 | 阿鲲 |
19. | Bonnie偷钥匙 Bonnie Steals Keys | 00:48 | 阿鲲 |
20. | Coco伤心求救 Desperate Coco Call for Help | 02:11 | 阿鲲 |
21. | 高空跳伞第4人 The Fourth Skydiver | 02:01 | 阿鲲 |
22. | 空中的搏斗、救援以及JC弃降落伞挽救龙首 Sky Battle, Rescure & JC Got the Dragon Head | 03:12 | 阿鲲 |
23. | 火山上的壮举, 牺牲的意志 The Willing of Sacrifice Upon Volcano | 02:26 | 阿鲲 |
24. | 医院大结局与意外惊喜 Ending “the Surprise” | 01:41 | 阿鲲 |
25. | 巴黎的味道 Taste of Paris / Bonus Track | 02:09 | 阿鲲 |