歌手:同根生 |
所属专辑:同根生 |
发行时间:2018.03.12 |
发行公司:StreetVoice / 好有感觉音乐 |
【音乐中有爱,爱是万物同根,唯爱能突破空间维次,联结宇宙与乡土 】
音乐制作人 林强
丝竹空爵士乐团艺术总监 彭郁雯
爵士萨克斯风演奏家 杨晓恩
爵士长笛演奏家 张瑛兰
金曲奖最佳原住民歌手 以莉・高露llid Kaolo
A Root 同根生,笙、中阮、柳琴、钢琴、低音提琴及世界打击乐组成的融合乐团。宜兰音乐人所组成,擅以环境与空间为创作灵感,透过音乐叙事。穿梭于自由即兴、爵士音乐语汇之间。那些来自生活的灵光,于潜意识中生了根,造就我们的样子。
首张专辑《同根生Rooty Mental》代表我们的来源与趋向,以「连结」的概念贯穿,由出走到回归,在声景诗歌中交织对土地的热爱。来自宜兰的乐人与创作者,融合中西民族器乐、电子乐器与环境声音,转化北管锣鼓、泰雅歌谣等音乐素材,探寻台湾韵味的当代光景,在地发声,世界共感。
笙 / 杨智博
钢琴、键盘/ 林 乔
击乐 / 陈淯歆
柳琴、中阮 / 林琬婷
低音提琴、大提琴/ 郑皓羽
Using “connection” as a central concept, this album is about our origin and inclination. It describes our journey of leaving and returning home, depicting our passion for this land through soundscapes and poetry. In this album, musicians and artists from Yilan fuse Chinse and Western instrumental music with jazz, indie, and urban folk into a unique expression of world music, brewing and storing the smell and ecology of Yilan into “sound poems.” The soundscape journey in natural and cultural landscapes conveys the collective awareness of sharing the same root. In this album, we start from finding local voices, and reach out to resonate with the world.
Recommendations from Golden Melody Awards Winners
“In music, we have love. Love is the root of everything on earth. And only love can transcend spatial dimensions to connect the universe and home.”
- Giong Lim, Music Producer
“Using Chinese and Western musical instruments, poems, and field recordings, A Root transforms the emotional connection to land deeply embedded in our souls into extraordinarily refined sonnets, humorous yet passionate, distant yet splendid. This one-of-a-kind album demonstrates unlimited creativity and is definitely worth your time and attention.”
- Yu-Wen Peng, Art Director of Sizhukong
“Based in Yilan, A Root is an ensemble with great prospects. The members of the ensemble express their nostalgia for home and yearning for the future with a common language of music. When listening to A Root, the superb sense of space and time in their music evokes my impression of love for the land.”
- Shawna Yang, Jazz Saxophonist
“Listening to A Root’s music is like walking into a déjà vu scene and looking at our shared life experiences and memories through a brand new perspective. Their melodies are sometimes light as feathers flying in the wind, yet somber and tranquil at other times—like the beating of the heart, the rhythm of nature.”
- llid Kaolo, GMA Best Aboriginal Singer
A Root
Sheng / Jipo Yang
Piano、Keyboard / Chiao Lin
Percussion / Joey Chen
Liuqin、Ruan / Wan-Ting Lin
Double Bass、Cello / Hao-yu Cheng
序列 |
歌曲标题 |
时长 |
歌手 |
1. | 龟山 Turtle Island | 04:33 | 同根生 |
2. | 闹三仙 Dance Party of Gods | 04:43 | 同根生 |
3. | 雪山隧道-致2001.05.11 Hsuehshan Tunnel | 05:00 | 同根生 |
4. | 涉水-歪仔歪桥 Wade the River-Waizaiwai Bridge | 05:14 | 同根生 |
5. | 花生卷冰淇淋 Ba Boo | 05:06 | 同根生 |
6. | 墨绿 Wooden Green | 05:03 | 同根生 |
7. | 飞船 Spaceship | 05:33 | 同根生 |
8. | 泰雅梦游:(相聚歌) / (战舞) Wander in Atayal: Gathering Song, Battle Dance | 04:57 | 同根生 |
9. | 泰雅梦游:(情歌) Wander in Atayal Love Song | 03:49 | 同根生 |
10. | 泰雅梦游:(欢乐歌) Wander in Atayal Happy Song | 03:12 | 同根生 |
11. | Baisin之歌 Song of Baisin | 03:30 | 同根生 |
12. | 丢丢同乐会 Diu Diu Train | 02:56 | 同根生 |