歌手:阿鲲(Roc Chen)
  所属专辑:Heroes of Might and MagicVII
序列 歌曲标题 时长 歌手
1.Gathering of the Council (Might & Magic Heroes VII Main Theme) 02:08Paul Romero / Rob King / 阿鲲
2.Hope for Green Falls (Haven Theme) 02:42Paul Romero / Rob King / 阿鲲
3.Mystos Mountains (Necropolis Theme) 02:31Paul Romero / Rob King / 阿鲲
4.The Wizard's Waltz (Academy Theme) 02:56Paul Romero / Rob King / 阿鲲
5.The Journeyman's Encounter (Stronghold Theme) 02:39Paul Romero / Rob King / 阿鲲
6.The Elven Coronation (Sylvan Theme) 02:38Paul Romero / Rob King / 阿鲲
7.Blades of Madness (Dungeon Theme) 02:18Paul Romero / Rob King / 阿鲲
8.The Fortune Keep (Battle Theme) 02:20Paul Romero / Rob King / 阿鲲
9.Requiem for a King (Plains Theme) 02:40Paul Romero / Rob King / 阿鲲
10.The Realm of the Dead (Wasteland Theme) 02:07Paul Romero / Rob King / 阿鲲
11.A Lonely Journey (Snow Theme) 02:09Paul Romero / Rob King / 阿鲲
12.Ashes and Cinders (Lava Theme) 01:59Paul Romero / Rob King / 阿鲲
13.Towards the Blue Horizon (Sea Theme) 01:59Paul Romero / Rob King / 阿鲲
14.Ancient Woods (Forest Theme) 02:04Paul Romero / Rob King / 阿鲲
15.The Blistering Sands of Sahaar (Desert Theme) 02:06Paul Romero / Rob King / 阿鲲
16.Gazing into the Abyss (Underground Theme) 02:05Paul Romero / Rob King / 阿鲲
17.Tinkering with the Dwarves (Al Turn Theme) 02:23Paul Romero / Rob King / 阿鲲
18.Piano Concerto For a Hero No.1 in Ahab's Minor (Credits Theme) 02:18Paul Romero / Rob King / 阿鲲
19.Bonus Track - Fiery Hearts (Fortress Theme) 02:20Paul Romero / Rob King / 阿鲲
20.Bonus Track - Infernus Stamatus (Inferno Theme) 02:11Paul Romero / Rob King / 阿鲲

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