歌手:阿鲲(Roc Chen)
  所属专辑:Mike boy 电视剧原声大碟
《Mike boy》原声带由著名作曲家阿鲲(Roc Chen)作曲,
序列 歌曲标题 时长 歌手
1.Opening 01:11阿鲲
2.Agent Chris 00:29阿鲲
3.Tragic 00:26阿鲲
4.Opening Title of Mike Boy 01:02阿鲲
5.Moonlight 00:22阿鲲
6.The Hit 00:10阿鲲
7.The Mystery 00:41阿鲲
8.The Mystery Part 2 00:25阿鲲
9.Bastard 00:39阿鲲
10.Father,Girlfriend 00:40阿鲲
11.Paradise 00:20阿鲲
12.We're just friends 00:32阿鲲
13.Theme of Mike 01:26阿鲲
14.Flashback 00:45阿鲲
15.Photo of Mother 00:57阿鲲
16.The Logo of the Mystery Society 00:20阿鲲
17.This Eye sees everything 00:23阿鲲
18.Something's coming 02:01阿鲲
19.The man in pink trousers 00:28阿鲲
20.Ivan 00:32阿鲲
21.Pink Car 00:27阿鲲
22.Mike Let's go 00:15阿鲲
23.James thinks 00:32阿鲲
24.Mike is disappointed 00:20阿鲲
25.Dreamscenes 00:12阿鲲
26.I Saw Mike 00:12阿鲲
27.Ivan's Daughter is missing 00:11阿鲲
28.Daughter Meets Mother 00:28阿鲲
29.Suspense of Lily 00:45阿鲲
30.Mother and Daughter 01:09阿鲲
31.Ivan comes 00:32阿鲲
32.The Secret Casino 01:24阿鲲
33.The Mysterious Chip 00:28阿鲲
34.The Mysterious Chip 2 00:28阿鲲
35.They are gone 01:01阿鲲
36.The Following 00:44阿鲲
37.Charlotte dies 00:13阿鲲
38.Grief 00:58阿鲲
39.The Revenge 00:56阿鲲
40.The Mysterious Chip part3 00:28阿鲲
41.The Mysterious Chip part4 00:08阿鲲
42.The Final Mission 00:11阿鲲
43.The Final Mission - Walking in 00:56阿鲲
44.Agent Chris appears 00:26阿鲲
45.The Logo of the Mysterious Society part2 00:20阿鲲
46.The Final Moment 01:15阿鲲
47.Mike's final choice 01:34阿鲲
48.Mike Boy Credit-The Final Moment 01:00阿鲲
49.Mike Boy credit - Mikeboy Theme 01:24阿鲲
50.Action Drum and Suspense 00:39阿鲲
51.Happy and Hope 00:25阿鲲

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