Drip 是来自RED8红八最新成员,02年出生的上海本土音乐人 WOOSH! 的首秀作品。作为一首强有力的自我宣言,Drip 洋溢着旺盛的青春荷尔蒙,和繁忙城市生活带来的高涨肾上腺素,在展望未来的同时试图打破一切现有陈规守矩。在 WOOSH! 音乐生涯刚刚开启之际,请期待来自他的更多惊喜。
‘Drip’ is the debut release from RED8’s latest recruit, ‘02-born Shanghainese vocalist WOOSH!. ‘Drip’ is a powerful verbal statement of unapologetically being yourself and embracing youth, via an adrenaline rush from living in one of the world's busiest metropolitans. Looking towards the horizon while holding no regard for existing rules. With a long musical journey ahead of him, keep your eyes peeled for more from WOOSH!.
序列 |
歌曲标题 |
时长 |
歌手 |
1. | Drip | 03:38 | WOOSH! / RED8红八 |