Fearless 无惧
  所属专辑:Fearless 无惧
作词 : 蔡瀛莹
作曲 : 蔡瀛莹
编曲 : 蔡瀛莹
走在 荒野的贫瘠沙漠
难道 我们不再冒险
闭上 眼睛的 那一瞬间
迷茫中 我们 剩下什么
No Fear to be scared
No Fear to be scared
再难总会有 出口
能够 有机会出现光明
Ain't nobody block my way
So I can through the blue, bright day
Ain't nobody block my way
So I can through the blue, bright day
Ain't nobody block my way
So I can through the blue, bright day
Ain't nobody block my way
So I can through the blue, bright day
Ain't nobody block my way
So I can through the blue, bright day
Ain't nobody block my way
So I can through the blue, bright day
Ain't nobody block my way
So I can through the blue, bright day
Ain't nobody block my way
So I can through the blue, bright day
Ain't nobody block my way
So I can through the blue, bright day
Ain't nobody block my way
So I can through the blue, bright day
Ain't nobody block my way
So I can through the blue, bright day
OP : Music Bravo Co.,Ltd.

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