词/曲 : 赵泰
编曲 : 梅卡德尔
唱 : 赵泰
吉他 : 赵泰
贝斯 : 邱威铭
鼓 : 黄嘉宝
合成器 : 门棋
合声 : 门棋/邱威铭/黄嘉宝
制作人 : 张方泽
大脑像蜂箱 不停分泌着糖浆
In this unacquainted cell, I am enclosed by the glimmering unacquainted door.
大门闪着幽光 隔绝在陌生的客房
My brain is now a beehive that produces nectar of endless supply.
我犹疑 我匆忙 我在口袋里摸索希望
I scare, I dither, searching for a shimmer of hope in my pocket.
我压抑 我慌张 陌生人在门口张望
I panic, feeling depressed, strangers at my door, looking.
都是数据 身份被电波捆绑
I am but the data transmitted from this linked cell phone,
铃声响起 所有眼神都在审判
which, when it rings, I am the only one accused.
我逃避 我游荡 我注入空虚的药罐
I flee, moving from place to place. I become now that desolated pill bottle.
我晕眩 我喘息 我被匿名者塞进名单
I feel giddy and out of breath, my name listed by the anonymous typist.
血管在奔突 蠕虫爬满了道路
Blood streams down my worm congested vessel.
烈日杀不死 藏在心里的病毒
The blazing sun can never eliminate the virus in my heart.
我踩着 我跪下 我盯着我缩小的阴影
I trample, I kneel, I stare at my own dwindling shadow.
我发热 我蜷缩 我把自己埋进被窝
I feel feverish, I creep into bed, huddling myself up.
浪奔浪流 遗忘是永恒的
Storms come and go, so do memories.
潮来潮去 失败是无限的
Tides rise and fall, failure is doomed.
预约 打卡 进入 退出
Appointment, sign-in, entry, exit,
时代 钟摆 时间 删除
epoch, pendulum, time, and deletion.

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