词/曲 : 赵泰
编曲 : 梅卡德尔
唱 : 赵泰
吉他 : 赵泰
贝斯 : 邱威铭
鼓 : 黄嘉宝
合成器 : 门棋
合声 : 门棋/邱威铭/黄嘉宝
键盘 : Hannes Binder
制作人 : 张方泽
租屋的门口 纸片在飞舞
Outside the rental apartment are flying bits of cards
超市的灯牌 噼里啪啦惹人烦
and trying current noise from supermarket light boxes.
我的朋友 就躺在里面
Inside lays my friend,
他看着钢管舞 消磨时间
watching pole dancing to kill his time.
他想哀嚎 却又不敢
He feels like yowling, but he dares not.
他想要倾诉 却找不到对的时间
He’d like to have someone to talk to, but the time just wouldn’t match.
粘稠的夜晚 他拉上窗帘
On a sultry evening, he draws the curtain,
诅咒和谩骂 隔壁那个混蛋
and starts to mutter curses at the brute next door.
他确信人人 都应该孤独
He holds that everyone should be like him,
就像他一样 缺乏的安全感
lonely and lack of security.
他抱着头 躲避着内心
Head in his hands, he tries to evade his innermost being.
他知道有人 正用准心瞄准
And he believes that, at this moment, he is being aimed at.
如果有一天 他想要离开
It would never surprise me
我绝不会 感到意外
if he disappears one day.
不是为了 挣那叠儿钱
He would not leave for money,
只是为了抹去 隔壁那个混蛋
but merely to be rid of that brute.
也许 他受够了 没日没夜的乱晃
Maybe he has had enough of this pacing around.
但他不是德尼罗 却梳起了莫西干头
Being not Robert De Niro, he still wears a Mohawk.
也许他需要 被玷污的那种纯洁
Maybe he truly fancies that defiled purity,
就像等待 被刀割开的床垫
just as he relishes the cut-open mattress.
他走上街 就像个透明人
He wanders down the street a hollow man,
数着一个个 过路的女孩儿
counting every girl passing by.
他需要 一些私人时间
He needs time to ponder.
文字和瓢虫 围着霓虹灯打转
Words and ladybirds are swirling around the neon lights.
也许他正 感到奇怪
He marvels
却又不知道 哪里变得奇怪
not knowing what at.
可能是 那些女孩儿
Those girls? The segregation disappeared overnight?
也可能是 连夜消失的隔离带
也许他受够了 没日没夜的乱晃
Maybe he has had enough of this pacing around.
但他不是德尼罗 却梳起了莫西干头
Being not Robert De Niro, he still wears a Mohawk.
也许他需要 被玷污的那种纯洁
Maybe he truly fancies that defiled purity,
就像等待 被刀割开的床垫
just as he relishes the cut-open mattress.
Until one day,
he gets the money from the black market.
Until one day,
he walks out of this stifling cell.
Until one day,
his face appears in the news report.
Until one day,
his name appears in the bulletin.

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