The China Sea
The China sea
Stretches out as far as I can see
Wish that I could fly
Like a phoenix thru the sky
The harbour lights
Bright reflections in the darkest night
So let me fly away
Like a flower above the waves
*Fly away, fly away
Like a dragon wind
Blowin' all my dreams away
Far across the sea
Like the dragon wind
I must go alone
Searching for the one who left me here
To dream along, to wait along*
The China sea
Reaches out just like a friend to me
It's my destiny
The China sea can set me free
The harbour lights
Bright reflections in the darkest night
So let me fly away
Like a flower above the waves
The China sea
Reaches out just like a friend to me
It's my destiny
The China sea can set me free
I could be as free as the China sea

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