Make my bath in the kitchen very well
Je m'en moque je ne suis pas
Ta voiture
Don't no rings sorry have we have to go
Pourquoi nous allons
Wash my pants everything you have to dust
Je voudrais mais tu n'es
Pas très gentil
I forbid you to wear those kind of skirt
Laisse-moiêtre libre
When you walk like that and you wobble
I will like to give you a spanking everytime
When you laugh at me with the others
I will like to read your mind
When you walk like that and you wobble
I will like to give you a spanking everytime
When you laugh at me with the others
I will like to read your mind

Make my bath in the kitchen very well
Je m'en moque je ne suis pas
Ta voiture
Don't no rings sorry have we have to go
Pourquoi nous allons
Wash my pants everything you have to dust
Je voudrais mais tu n'es
Pas très gentil
I forbid you to wear those kind of skirt
Laisse-moiêtre libre
When you walk like that and you wobble
I will like to give you a spanking everytime
When you laugh at me with the others
I will like to read your mind
When you walk like that and you wobble
I will like to give you a spanking everytime
When you laugh at me with the others
I will like to read your mind

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