15.My Old Song
beat:Souls of mischief - 93' til infinity (Instrumental)
我带上耳机响度漫游 93嘅街头
我解放双手 双目紧闭身体仰后
想返去初中 换上一套hip-hop嘅派头
然后喺课室摇摇up 由热狗听到大狗
仲记得当初听LMF 4pm all respect
然后在听到Kanye West OMG I got that
之后係 HI My Name Is
我听Eminem 由Infinite听到Relapse
再开始remix 咩係flow
我唔识 剩係知道要讲yo
之后就一直玩 转眼间已经四年
我係会一成不变抑或点 写首歌纪念
呢啲日子都过去 无分错对 咪去追
Cause life go on 所以想啲颜色褪去
My old song 唔好讲唔好讲
我妈妈同我讲 话你要珍惜时光
我会捉住唔放 无嘢将我约束
Cause life go on 无嘢将我约束
Cause life go on 无嘢将我约束
Yeah yeah
That's how we roll and our with chill
Chiken pest roll and our with chill
Life goes on and our with chill
Life goes on and our with chill
That's how we roll and our with chill
Chiken pest roll and our with chill
Life goes on and our with chill
Life goes on and our with chill
剩係hip-hop教我never give up
加forever keep real 就算几多***** suck
你都要保持真实 因为生活得一次
你永远无得温习 好多嘅机会剩係得嗰一次
呢个道理大家都知 who lose yourself
咁点解你仲响度瞓觉 where's your power
你会卓越或者失败 係 do or died
发誓要令所有笑你嘅人 都傻晒
佢地her你 由佢her你 因为佢剩係可以her你
等佢嗝屁 当佢放屁 因为你有朋友帮你
垂头丧气 但係有把声音响度强力抗议
无论是 乜嘢事 我都全力以赴
竭尽所能就有可能 hip-hop係我师傅
距教我战斗要靠我自己 揸mic咪扇手
要玩弄技巧 令每个battle对手颤抖
用flow嚟荡千秋 离开间club先呕
啊你有你 我有我 我哋条路唔同
但係都係向住前冲 我哋并无唔同
啊你有你 佢有佢 由得佢哋点唸
yeah yeah
That's how we roll and our with chill
Chiken pest roll and our with chill
Life goes on and our with chill
Life goes on and our with chill
That's how we roll and our with chill
Chiken pest roll and our with chill
Life goes on and our with chill
Life goes on and our with chill
One more time, come on!
That's how we roll and our with chill
Chiken pest roll and our with chill
Life goes on and our with chill
Life goes on and our with chill
That's how we roll and our with chill
Chiken pest roll and our with chill
Life goes on and our with chill
Life goes on and our with chill