Heen Verse:
Tell the whole world what it means to me
I got mad love for the family
Let’s make it our job this peace to keep
Tell the whole world what it means to me
Let every woman and man be free to speak
United and strong is what we need to be
I feel I’m free falling like a Parachute
This whole messy situation really scare a dude
I got the feeling we back in 33
Cos we lacking empathy
what did happen to the peace
We once promised to keep
still we bomb many bleed
There’s no stopping the greed
Once it got you, you breed
Feeling not ever seen
still you lock, load, release
gun cocks, hold it please
Fore it pops, blows, you grieve
Got me asking like where is the love
Think you’ll find it right there in the Song
If you ain’t got love for all kinds
Gonna be the same hate thoughts you fall by
might find yourself in the opposite position
How you’d feel in the rage of demolition
Of your own kind, your own home, your own neck
Fist up better show respect
McGyver Verse:
Respect mine want hier komt een blessed mind
Words are weapons ik snap als een tek 9
(我的押韵是我的武器就像我最爱的tek 9)
Universal movin in circles enemy lines
Global revolver das international crime
(就像国际犯罪的轴心 就像左轮手枪左轮的轴心)
Maximum respect connections along de axis
Je suns benchpressin’ ik jet naar de solar plexus
(就像太阳一样 那种能量释放就像你在卧推时冲向你胸部的力量)
Van de maan naar de sterren, reiken heinde en verre
Cyphers bereiken zenders zoals geiten hun herders
The world is ours, van Beijing naar Teheran
Not our first rodeo, cowards weten ervan
Gods wegen zijn intressant, my neighbours and me are one
Amazing wat je kan met evenwicht en passant
Dus geef het een tweede kans de vrede is relevant
Thats why I put 2 in the sky, 1 in balans
(This is hiphop) respect all we fear none
(这是HipHop 尊重我们所畏惧的一切)
Peace (peace) love unity and havin fun
(和平 爱 团结和享受其中)
Osyris Verse:
Keep it 100% i just need me my Aretha Franklins,
(保证它百分百的纯正,我只需要我,我的Aretha Franklins)
w/ visas flankin my international autonomy be easy wankers
I can’t believe these plankers,
They door mats for stacks- w/o war can
(他们为了拖住你会不择手段 没有战争的话)
I get em off? Sure: Geneva bankin/
(我可以把它们清理走吗?没问题 就像日内瓦银行那样)
I could be seen with lyricists in towns im visitin,
Awe makers n jaw breakers nikola mirotic,
We w/ the shiiis, backgrounds different but they listenin as we all break down culture n vocal images,
You witnessin legendary moments in the makin, i connect w/ all my fam from Quebec to Copenhagen,
Straight links from London to Beijing, amazing I was in Prague, Czech Republic star-gazing,
Velvet Revolutions designed their constitution, our law is unwritten & there’s still no confusion, its r-e-s-p-e-c-t from a to z that’s the people’s currency yuan renminbi
Tudax Verse:
These morning mo ja de si ta
( 今天早上我出门的时候)
Mo ri white neighbor mi, mo ki good morning
Ko da MI loun
( 他并没有理我)
These things it's ain't funny
Ode wo MI lati oke dele
( 他从头到脚的打量我)
Who is these nigga
Hay I ain't nigga call me your brother
(嘿 我不是这老黑 叫我兄弟好吧)
Eje popa lowa ninu vain wa
( 我们都是有血有肉的人)
Awo Ole change wa
( 肤色不能定义我们)
Okun ni wa, EMI ti re
( 我们都一样,我和你都一样)
Respect is reciprocal
EMI si e
( 从我到你都一样)
Ewo ni cilvil
( 谁是平民)
Ewo ni servant
( 谁又是仆人)
Efi gbo gbo oro yi le awa gun gallant
( 请放下这些芥蒂我们也很勇敢)
Without me Ole exis
(without me you can esix)
Malo downgrade me, EMI gon elite
( 不用下载我的成绩 我也同样是精英)
Money no be everything
( 钱不是万能的)
If you die, Omo you go die with the everything
( 你也是一样生不带来,死不带去)
Ono you will be gone like the men from the early
( 并非只有一条通往成功的道路)
So my guy men fi Ara bale Don't be odale
( 所以瓷冷静点儿 别当个叛徒)
Omo kun oma gbe eru sori
Ko ma fi fale
I be your brother,
( 我是你的兄弟)
You be my brother
( 你也是我的兄弟)
Don't close your border
( 不要紧闭你的心门)
I no close my border
( 我不会关上我的心门)
Don't border
Me self I no go border
( 就不会有刻板印象)
We need to love each other
( 我们需要爱彼此)
We ment to be together
( 我们需要站在一起)
Mas Law Verse:
Weather it be god, Jah, Buddha, Allah, atheist
As long the intentions are pure show respect for it,
Different continents have different concepts of what fits
Straight fire if your intentions are toxic
No judgement impressions are for the moment
Cause you don't know the story or the road they've chosen
Finger pointers always got three back so watch your aiming
I see a lot down with blaming but who's into changing
Its starts with the mind frame so I'm working on self
(它是与心智框架 所以我在努力提升自我)
And spread a butterfly affect of love fortune and health
Let that currency translate as wealth and shiii
Cause no man is poor once the souls enriched
You don't have to pay for manners
And respect is earnt
Times has changed so many more lesson to be learn
Forever the student the food for thought should be your concern
If you are life and life is precious then know your self worth
Soulhan Verse:
You gotta R E S P E C T me
呢支mic pass to me
你仲问咩回事,beat producer离carry
敲住MPC,finger drum,跟住un,跟住蹦,太fit,要趁热
嘴巴一擘,热辣既verse,犹如子弹数十发,bang bang bang
(嘴巴一张,热辣的段落,犹如子弹数十发,邦 邦 邦)
General Huge Verse:
My bro C.Jam called me
Told me we gotta do a cypher
Well let me grab my pen
(行 让我拿起我的笔)
Hand me a piece of paper
Talking about respect and unity
Let's do it together
Enter the lion's den
Me sing family forever
Well let me say it cannot be bought
Cannot be sold
Respect all we need
Focus me sing and take control
All connected in the end
Respect yourself home and abroad
A real fight in mind
With beasts clawing at straws
Good for the peace of mankind
Your intellect and it's fine
Too much emotions and you're blind blind blind
Don't even ask to make friends
But haffi go shake some hands
Instead of bombing
With dem gangs bullets and guns
Not talking about street wisdom
Not talking about the street life
I'm talking about respect
But from an other aspect
Tell me can you understand
C.Jam Verse:
不同的种族 性别 地域和职业
(Gutta different races,genders,areas,occupation)
取向 情结 期许和视野
教育程度 社会阶级 政治体制 宗教信仰
(Educational status,heritage,political institutions,rituals)
(Da multiformity exist  made up our world)
像日夜 能分辨但不存在高低贵贱
(It’s like day n night that u can distinguish but no high n low there)
我们嘴上说的平等 何时能够兑现
(We r talkin bout justice but when we do it fo real)
不会变 得愧歉 在心里一直碎念
(Da ashamed and apologized in ma heart all da time n it aint change)
(Da goodness in humanity had to extract n quenchin’)
Huh 凭的什么洋洋得意
(Huh Wutt make yall so complacent)
(I saw too many sense of superiority r come from discrimination n’ malice)
(It’s a battle between civilized n’ savage)
(Da spit of confound right n’ wrong gutta no logic)
所以  何必互相看不起
(So why we disrespect each other)
都是猴子变的 何必互相看不起
(We all came from apes why we disrespect each other)
(does livin‘ in hate could full ur sense of superiority?)
(aint nobody envy ur sense of superiority when u disrespect others)
(ya need learn respect when u face to da difference)
(ya need learn respect when u face to da weakness)
(ya need learn respect when u face to da multiformity world)
不需要你的认同 只需要你的尊重
(don’t need ya to agree just need u to respect)
Apex Zero Verse:
One Life One Blood One people
Infinite incarnations of one God who have all trod
Different paths at different times at different places
Different paces
We look at ourselves when we stare into each other’s faces
Talk to ourselves when we speak to each other
Build up ourselves when we hail up our sis and brudda
So you shiiiing on yourself when you hold another back
Stab another’s back instead of backing them
Imagine when this simple truth is put in real practice ‘cross the Earth
Every being treated by their true and real worth
Given every opportunity and chance that they deserve
To live life at their true and real best
Fully blessed
And fully knowing it
Full potential growing it
Walking through this life fully glowing with
The knowledge that their flow aint rigged
To blow up in their face
No more tiptoeing through minefields
Figurative and inna di real
Lyrics are bless but we need to build
This dream to reality
Like a house from a sketch
We are the labourers and architects
We won’t always agree
We’ve got a ways to get
It starts with simple steps
The first one is respect

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