  所属专辑:頭文字[イニシャル]D THE MOVIE SOUND TUNE
作词 : Ghost Style
作曲 : Chan Kwong Wing
Performed by Ghost Style
Well, I'm like stone face
Natural born killa race
Winning so easy
Looking for thrilla ace
You just a joker
I'm for real-la
Keep in my kid
I'm an all-star champion
Well, I'm like stone face
Natural born killa race
Winning so easy
Looking for thrilla ace
You just a joker
I'm for real-la
Keep in my kid
I'm an all-star champion
Doesn't matter what you say
We got more better days
Nevermind cat scratch your car
I'm out to raise the bar
Detached, leaving egos scarred
So flash
Even with a new deck of cards
I'm ahead by far
A shooting star
Well, I'm like stone face
Natural born killa race
Winning so easy
Looking for thrilla ace
You just a joker
I'm for real-la
Keep in my kid
I'm an all-star champion
Nevermind cat scratch your car
I'm out to raise the bar
Detached, leaving egos scarred
So flash
Even with a new deck of cards
I'm ahead by far
A shooting star
Well, I'm like stone face
Natural born killa race
Winning so easy
Looking for thrilla ace
You just a joker
I'm for real-la
Keep in my kid
I'm an all-star champion
Doesn't matter what you say
We got more better days

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