The Love I Know
one day someone X me
what does love really mean to me

I said how should I know
I have never been in love before

but there is something that I know
it truly tortures when it comes to love
And there are some things that I have seen
love doesn't always shine and gleam
If you wanna know what I think
I think I'll tell you that I still believe
Believe that one day it'll be my turn
to fall into the mess I have seen before


one day someone X me
what does love really mean to me

I said how should I know
I have never been in love before
but there is something that I know
it truly tortures when it comes to love
And there are some things that I have seen
love doesn't always shine and gleam
If you wanna know what I think
I think I'll tell you that I still believe
Believe that one day it'll be my turn
to fall into the mess I have seen before
If you wanna know what I think
I think I'll tell you that I still believe
Believe that one day it'll be my turn
to fall into the mess I have seen before

the Love I know
I know

the Love I know oh~~

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