let's go crazy 小疯狂
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let's go crazy 小疯狂 - 曾舜晞 Joseph ZENG
词:Egil Olsen
曲:Egil Olsen
Let's take the car and drive
Leave the couch for a while
Run red lights
Ignore the signs
Let's go crazy
Feel alive
Let's find an open place and park
Lay down the seats in the car
You're so fcuking high in the dark
Let's go crazy
Be bizarre
You and I flying ridiculously high
We're crazy
We're alive
You and I are mooning the stars
We're crazy
We're bizarre
Let's take the car and drive
Back home where you and I
Sit on the couch every night
Stay inside
But one day we'll take a drive
And go crazy
And feel alive

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