New World In The Morning
  所属专辑:Time Of The Season
Everybody talks about
a new world in the morning
New world in the morning,
so they say
I myself don't talk about
a new world in the morning
New world in the morning
that's today
And I can feel
a new tomorrow coming on
And I don't know
why I have to make a song
Everybody talks about
a new world in the morning
New world in the morning
takes so long
I met a man
who had a dream
he had since he was twenty
I met that man
when he was eighty one
He said,
Too many folks
just stand and wait
until the morning
Don't they know
tomorrow never comes
And he would feel
a new tomorrow coming on
And when he'd smile
his eyes'd twinkle up in fun
Everybody talks about
a new world in the morning
New world in the morning
never comes
And I can feel
a new tomorrow coming on
And I don't know
why I have to make a song
Everybody talks about
a new world in the morning
New world in the morning
never comes

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